Save the dates for our 40th reunion
We’re happy to announce the dates of the 40th reunion of the best looking class in the history of the corps! October 5 – 8, 2017 Mark these dates on your desk calendars, on your smart phones, tablets, computers, and/or your cloud-based calendars. You won’t want to miss this reunion. We’re in the planning stages now and…
Happy to share all the good news about the reunion.
Very happy to assist in sharing the latest news and happenings in preparation for the USMA 1977 reunion coming in 2017. We’re already at the one year away point for our legacy reunion.
40th Reunion – who’s coming?
For security reasons, we won’t list the names of who is coming here, but in due course you will find a partial list in our class Facebook group, visible only to approved group members.